2016 Messages
12-25-16 The Christmas Story pt 4 "As Told By God"
I think all of us can say, at some point, "I made my bed, now I have to lie in it." Reality can hit hard. The Christmas story God tells, though, has a better ending. In this message we hear how one birth changes everything.
I think all of us can say, at some point, "I made my bed, now I have to lie in it." Reality can hit hard. The Christmas story God tells, though, has a better ending. In this message we hear how one birth changes everything.
The Christmas Story As Told By...
The Angels What is it we want for Christmas? Not what gift we hope to get. What do we want Christmas to accomplish? Memories, a good time, an experience, time off from school or work...? If this is not easy for us to answer, maybe there is something in the story we missed. Let's hear the Christmas Story as told by the angels. |
The Christmas Story As Told By...
The Kids Of CCC The story of Jesus birth is timeless. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. In this message you will see the kids tell the story of redemption and joy in their own way. |
The Christmas Story As Told By...
The Prophets of Old Old prophets couldn’t stop seeing visions of it; glorious angels couldn’t shout loud enough about it; and distant kings couldn’t wait to discover it. There is something irresistible about the first Christmas. We have heard it before and yet can’t wait to experience it again. |
Momentum pt 4
"How To Move Beyond Good Intentions" They say good intentions will only get you so far, and so far, that seems true in my life. Ever find the more you try, the harder it is? You feel good making a bold move, but when the journey is long, you start longing to go back. You promise yourself that you will be strong, but you can’t keep that promise long. What if trying harder is not the answer? What if John Ortberg had it right when he said "try softer"? That's what we talk about in this message. |
Momentum pt 3
"Why do we have to?" There is something we are all supposed to be doing right now...and it isn't complaining, protesting, or even gloating. That would be easy compared to this. What we are told to do requires courage and a huge amount of love. I have to be honest, it's not something I always like to do or want to do. But it is something we all must do if we hope to impact our world for good. Let's talk about it Sunday. |
Momentum pt 2
"What To Do When Everything Seems Against You" Ever feel like random, unrelated life events are somehow conspiring against you? It was just a misunderstood text; just a little, but costly mistake; just a few words spoken out of anger; just a friend who got really sick; just a call you weren't expecting… But they hit you one after another. Let's talk Sunday about the invisible war and how to maneuver through it. |
Momentum pt 1
"How To Move Away From All Things Spooky" Somehow this year feels different, with more fear and uncertainty than ever. How did we get to the place where my daughter isn't even sure she even wants go trick or treating? How do we move past fear and all things spooky...and not just on Halloween or even the election, but in everyday life? In this message we talk about just how we can do that. |
Think Orange
In this message we share how to Think Orange—the one idea that impacts families for good! We talk about our approach to children and family ministry at CCC. |
Grow pt 4
"How We Grow" It is so frustrating to watch the news--what is happening to the country we love? Ever wonder where all this animosity and disregard for decency comes from? What if we actually could reverse it? What if we already have the answer? In this message we talk about how to grow respectful and purposeful again. |
Grow pt 2
"Light Of The World" |
Grow pt 1
"How Do We Get Past Stuck?" Ever felt stuck? Life is about growing, yet a relationship struggle or personal failing holds you back. Others seem to push through, but you can’t seem find the answer that works for you. In this message we talk about what it is in all of us that prevents life-changing growth. This message begins with a video clip. |
Lead Humbly pt 3
"How To Select Those Who Will Serve And Lead Us" Why was my daughter driving a tank? What does buying a car have to do with choosing the right person? Do some really believe a man must have two or more children before God can use him? Confused? You won’t be after we talk about the qualities of a servant leader in this message. |
Lead Humbly pt 2
"I'm Ready To Go In Coach!" In this message we continue in our Lead Humbly series talking about how to get in the game and serve. We believe the church is God’s team that transforms lives, families, and communities. There are two specific positions on His team that we need to better understand. In this part we talk about the difference between Elders and Deacons and the importance of all the serving roles we all play in our church. |
Lead Humbly pt 1
"How To Create A Strong Home" There are all kinds of helpful leadership theories out there. Ever feel, though, that there must be something more that no one is talking about? What if the first principle of leadership is actually found at home and has more to do with embracing how God made us than it does with learning a new skill? In this message we talk about leadership that first strengthens the family. |
The Heart Of A Servant pt 9
"How To Make God Huge Again In Our Lives" Ever think this: God shows up for others, but not so much for me? Don’t we all at times place limits on God? We believe He can heal a friend’s sickness, but don’t trust Him to heal our marriage. We know He cares when a child is hurt, but wonder if He hears us when we have financial trouble. In this message we talk about how to let God be HUGE again in our lives! |
The Heart Of A Servant pt 8
"The Two Questions That Help Make Better Choices" So you made a mistake—who hasn’t? Wouldn’t it be great, though, if there was a way to make better choices in life so ou don’t keep finding yourself looking back asking the same old question. You know the question... “What was I thinking?” Let’s talk Sunday about a better question. If you asked this one now, you won’t need to ask the other question later. |
The Heart Of A Servant pt 7
"What Does The World Hear When We Talk About God?" Ever wonder why it is that the Greatest Story Ever Told (the story of God’s love for His creation and how, through Jesus, He found a way to save us from our own choices) has become so misunderstood? …even worse, mischaracterized and hated by some? In this message we ask the question: What is it the world hears when we share the story? |
The Heart Of A Servant pt 6
"How Do We Find Contentment With What We Have?" Why are we always looking for something more or feel something is missing? Why do we believe that the answer is found somewhere else? So many people around the world go without so much...we have so much but want more. Crazy isn't it? In this message we talk about how to find peace and contentment without leaving home. |
The Heart Of A Servant pt 5
"How To Stop Automatically Judging Others" Ever pass someone in the store and make a snap judgement about what they're like? Or see someone dressed a certain way and judge them by their clothes? In this message we talk about how to stop automatically judging others. |